A Very Special Thank You!!!

A Special Thank You to you from the Oikos Sisters:

“To our dear friends,

Greetings of peace and joy!! Each of the Sisters in our Community would like to express our most sincere gratitude for all of the love shared at the Poor Household of God FUNdraiser this past August 2nd at St. Petronille Parish! How we wish we could have all been there to share in the joy and in the stories, but we were with you in spirit and in prayer! Thank you to all who came to the event, who participated online, who donated gifts for the silent auction and all who volunteered their time to prepare for and work at the event!!

As Sr. Sarah said, all of you are like a beam of moonlight on the sea whose light ripples on and on, going far beyond what the eye can see. Your love, your light and blessings reach beyond what you can see to make our work to eradicate poverty in our little corner of the world possible here in Eastern Samar in the Philippines. Thank you for responding so generously…at this event and even throughout the years. May God bless you abundantly for your love for the poorest of the poor! You remain in the prayers of all of us each day. Please continue to pray for us, especially for more vocations.

With sincere thankfulness and prayers, The Oikos Family