It is quite beautiful and amazing that the Oikos Mission continues to grow and reach out to more people. Through the movement of the Holy Spirit and the generous and much needed donations by you, the Oikos Sisters are able to continue to answer to the call of the poor in the Philippines. Their newest livelihood program reaches out to poor mothers who long to be able to provide for their children.
It is an unfortunate fact that there are many single mothers in Borongan and its surrounding villages. These women are largely uneducated and are unable to fulfill the needs of their children. The Baking Mamas is a livelihood program geared to educate the mothers and help them to help their families.
As in many areas around the world, making and selling street food in Borongan is a way people can earn money.

Our first oven is in the background, between the water cooler and the refrigerator!!
Most of the street food sold here is fried because people have no access to ovens and do not know how to use them. Sarah Noonan, lay missionary in the Oikos Mission, is a baker and chef and has been teaching poor mothers how to bake! Starting off with a toaster oven, the mothers learned how to make baked empanadas and cookies. Through a generous donation, the Oikos Sisters were able to purchase a custom-made oven along with all of the equipment necessary to be successful bakers! Now the mothers have added different

With our custom-made oven,, we baked all of these pizzas at one time!
kinds of breads and pizza to their menu!! They have begun catering and taking orders and are learning how to manage the money they are making as well. This pilot program is really taking off in Borongan since it provides new food not found anywhere else there, and may soon be a livelihood program we can bring into the barrios to teach other poor mothers.
To be able to bring this livelihood to the barrios, the Oikos Mission is in need of donations to purchase ovens, baking pans, bowls, measuring cups and spoons, oven mitts and start-up money for ingredients. If you would like to join the Oikos Sisters in their mission to help these poor mothers, here is a list of things we need:
- Custom-made oven: $200.00
- Propane gas tank: $60.00 (2 tanks are optimal)
- Baking Pans $85.00 (this pays for 20 pans)
- Measuring equip $35.00
- Bowls and spoons $40.00
- Start-up ingredients $100.00
A donation of $600.00 would cover all of the expenses in bringing the Baking Mamas Livelihood Program to the villages, however, any amount you are able to give would be absolutely amazing!!
To make a donation to this new livelihood program, click here!
I have seen joy on the faces of these mothers as they learn new things and realize that they are the ones who are providing for their children. It is a beautiful sight to see!! Please pray for this ministry and for the mothers who are working so hard!! Thank you…and God bless you!!

The mothers are signing for their first paycheck!!
To God be the glory!!!